Ford ignition coils testing unit.
Gone are the days when we needed spark testers, circuit test tools, jumper leads, code testers etc, etc and worst of all someone to help us test our ford ignition coils.
When I first saw this tool I was fascinated enough to buy one and then found it good enough to sell on this website. Such a simple to use tool it was a long time in coming but good old technological advances has brought it here.
So next time you have a feeling that a coil might be had it, or on the way out this is what you do.
In this case of the six cylinder Falcon. Remove the cover from the top of the engine and expose the coils. Start the motor and let it warm up. Most coil problems don’t appear until the engine is warm.
Now read the instructions that come with the testing tool and your good to go. Simply flop the end of the tool onto the top of the coil and watch the lights. Bingo, the culprit is found. Now you can replace the coil or coils and your good to go.

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