A little while ago we advertised on Facebook that you could boost to 30psi with a Drifter coil Brisk Turbo spark plug combo.
Some Non Falcon fan commented that it would blow the head off. Well I don’t know if he had actual experience or if he was just using his super powers of deduction to make his assessment, but the 30psi claim is that of Brisk Spark Plugs not ours and I know which I would believe.
We have had lots of customers purchase this combo both from this website and from our Ebay store and as yet haven’t had any complaints. I didn’t reply or block his comment on Facebook and so will leave it at that.
We are only here to make your experience with your Falcon better. We love Fords but we see they have been lambasted and criticised over the years by people who mostly have never owned or driven one.
Keep it straight (or not)
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