Category Archives: BA Coils

Autotrad drifter coils world wide more info

I have heard from the gentleman in South Africa who wanted to purchase Autotrad Drifter Coils. As you saw in the previous post I didn’t think I could help being so far away and not able to give after sales assistance.

I go this text from him and quote it here.

“Hi Milton. I decided to buy them from the local franchised Ford dealership.

The cost of six coils was approximately 650 Australian Dollars.

Thanks and Regards”

I have left his name out for privacy reasons. A very interesting comparison of pricing don’t you think.

To that gentleman: thank you so much for even considering Atotrad and we are now looking into how we can possibly start to service overseas clients. We do send regularly to New Zealand but that seems almost local doesn’t it.

Keep it straight (or not)
