Back in 2010 or thereabouts there was no such thing as a Performance coil for the FG Falcon.
The FG Falcon was fairly new back then and most owners wern’t even thinking of changing coils. Most owners probably didn’t know where the coils were.
Plenty of people were beefing up their BA Falcons and getting surprising performance from this magnificent 6 inline engine. In my humble opinion one of the best engines on the planet. I’m still trying to prove it because I have one that’s done near 500ks and still powering on. Running on DRIFTER COILS of course.
It wasn’t hard to guess that pretty soon people would want their FG to perform better than the manufacturer designed it for. So here at Autotrad we set out to see if anyone was producing a performance coil for the FG. Our BA Drifter coil was going great and making a difference so why not an FG FALCON Performance coil.
There were none on the market. !!! that we could find. Even our manufacturer who is one of the biggest manufacturers of ignition coils in the world didn’t have a coil for the FG Falcon in it’s catalogue . (we still have that catalogue to prove the point. ) and so we made a speculative decision.
Alas as some of our first customers can tell, it wasn’t perfect. The first coil had issues and one customer told me in no uncertain terms what I should do with it. Mate you should try them now. Others persevered with it and we replaced many a coil. Some probably threw them away. Those who stuck we thank you.
You can buy FG Falcon “performance” coils now from a few different suppliers but the DRIFTER coil will always be the first performance coil made especially for the FG Falcon.
We have a new coil on the drawing board, so to speak, but mostly in my head, but that coil may never eventuate. The performance coil industry is a small niche so it will probably remain a dream. The quotes to develope it are just too high at the moment.
Keep it straight (or not)