New stock of BA FALCON IGNITION COILS should arrive next week just in time for Christmas.
As you probably noticed we have been out of stock of our popular BA Falcon ignition coils for a little while. Simply because we don’t sell an off the shelf coil. Our BA Falcon Ignition coils have been around now for over 8 years, starting way back when I got fed up with paying outlandish prices for “genuine” coils that I thought personally were nothing fabulous, and indeed seemed to be a fit all variants of BA Fords.
I felt we needed something a bit better, so being the Ford fanatic I am I got to work. Now a coil is such a simple thing that does a tremendouse amount of work but I thought shouldn’t be that difficult to improve upon.
The coil consists of a plastic case holding things together and inside that plastic case is an “iron core” around which you will find the windings. Usually of copper wire or in the case of Drifter Performance coils you will find German Ceramic wiring. Our iron core is bigger than most coils, and the iron core with the wiring are usually sealed in a form of resin but in our case we use the best Japanes Japonica resin available. Then we have a coil spring which attaches to the body of the coil in most case with aluminium or some composite aloy plug, but again in the Drifter coil we go a little further and use copper. All this is brought together with a rubber boot, but the Drifter has a new silicon boot that can be run if you choose without the old di-electric grease but we still go to the trouble of pulling the coil apart and adding the di-electric grease in any case because like you I grew up using it. Ours is a military grade that can contain upwards of 80,000 volts. and it does help to keep moisture out of the bottom of the boot and as you know Falcons do let a little in sometimes if you’re a bit vigorouse in washing the engine.
I had a lot of problems in those early days with getting the quality of coil I had in mind. (apologies to anyone who bought some of my first coils)
Then one day in a conversastion with a manufacturer I was told by them I should talk to the best manufacturer in the whole of (dare I say it )China . A manufacturer who built coils for some of the top brand of vehicles in all the world. (probably including Ford) That they were the manufacturer who could turn my ideas into a coil.
So I gave them a ring and as the saying goes “the rest is history”
The Drifter BA Falcon coil is far removed from what they might be thinking. It fires at 40kv is stable and seems to have no limit when pushed hard. Each coil we receive is checked by us to make sure it is doing what it is designed to do. Occassionally we put a set in a car and run them, we don’t do that so much anymore because they are as good as they are going to get and are proving reliable lasting in excess of three years and 50,000 ks and thats in my own car. The only reason I don’t give a lifetime guarantee is that I don’t know how much longer I will last, (just joking) but it might come one day, but for now for the next 12 months I am going to give you three years and unlimited k’s, but as they say which ever comes first.
As always our stocks are limited but you can pre order in the order section if your not in a hurry
Keep it straight (or not)